Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Course description

This course provides students with an understanding of the concepts and practices entrepreneurship and small business management. The course covers practical aspects of strategic business planning, including: feasibility analysis, market analysis, service and price planning, promotion and advertising, financial management and cash flow budgeting, and operational planning and control. Students learn to develop business plans that incorporate the fundamentals for various enterprises. With the rise of privatization in the economy, the course is designed for those who want to specialize in managing their own small enterprises. The course focuses on the development of the skills and knowledge required for the design and management of a new business enterprise.

Course outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Understand different concepts of entrepreneurship and competencies in entrepreneurial development and small business management
• Understand the desired knowledge, skills and competencies that would enable students to become confident entrepreneur who are capable to create and innovate important business ideas
• Learn to identify, conceptualize, plan, finance, launch, manage and harvest new ventures
• Develop entrepreneurial mindset

Course contents

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🔽 0 h 44 min | Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
  • Entrepreneurship and entrepreneur
  • Concept of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur
  • Characteristics and skills of entrepreneurs
  • Forms of entrepreneurship
🔽 0 h 47 min | Small Business Fundamental
  • Meaning and definition of small business
  • The characteristics of small business
  • Rationale with small business
  • The role of small business in economic development
  • The reasons why many small businesses fail
🔽 0 h 45 min | Identifying Business Opportunities
  • The personal characteristics for opportunity recognition
  • Sources of ideas for business ventures
  • Idea generating methods
  • Idea generating methods to develop new business venture
🔽 0 h 37 min | The Business Plan
  • Define business plan
  • The elements of business plan
  • The benefits of business plan to entrepreneurs and other partners
  • Do’s and Don’ts of a business plan
🔽 0 h 37 min | Product and Product Protection Techniques
    • The rationale behind a product/service
    • Intellectual property
    • Legal Issues in setting up the organization
    • Patents, copy rights, trade secrets, trademark and licensing
    • Product safety


This course includes:

    3 h 30 min recorded video

    Downloadable resources (books and articles)

    One year access

    Access on mobile and TV

    Advanced Level

    Certificate of completion


1 year of access
sale ends 12/31/24
This course does not have any sections.
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